Your Divine Connection

A 30-day healing immersion for peace, calm & clarity

 For most of us, getting out of our heads can be super challenging. We worry and stress about things, often feeling like we’re ‘going around in circles’ or ‘spinning in our heads’. This drains our energy, and makes relaxing, finding the answers, or even trusting ourselves, very difficult. 

And the stress and pressure of the holidays can make this even more intense.

Yet when we give our strong, intelligent minds a rest, we open ourselves up to amazing peace, clarity and wisdom. We can connect with our higher selves, the Divine and our loving guides and angels. We can connect with ourselves.

What if there was an easier way to get answers? To still embrace our minds, yet connect with our higher selves more joyfully and more often?

Introducing the 30-day channelled healing immersion

Experience more peace, calm, and clarity. 

Be energetically grounded, protected and connected.

Manage holiday stress and anxiety.

Worry, stress and doubt less.

Trust and enjoy life more.

Tune into your intuition and higher self.

Connect with your team of angels (even if you haven’t met them before).

Prepare for an awesome 2019!

Your Healing Immersion

During your healing immersion, you will receive specific channelled healings and activities every three days for thirty days for you to explore and practice at your own pace.

You will also receive two personal spiritual growth check-ins via email.

And, as an added bonus this December, you’ll have the opportunity to join in two live channellings online, for additional energetic support, and also receive the mp3 recordings of both sessions.

All healings, guided meditations and activities will be sent to you via email, and you’ll receive links to the live channellings.

You can be in any country, and any time zone, to join in this healing immersion.

If you aren’t able to begin on December 1st, no worries. You’ll still receive the emails and experience the immersion when you are ready to begin.

Channellings + Energetic Transmissions = Shifts and Transformations

As a channel, I connect with loving guides and angels who are also eager to assist us with everything in our lives. And through the channelled transmissions, I share their healing energy, love and wisdom.

Through these channelings, I have experienced much greater peace and clarity – and profound energetic shifts – for myself as well as for clients and students.

To Register

Are you ready for more peace, calm and clarity this holiday season and in 2019? Join this powerful healing immersion now through November 30 for $197 (regularly $497).

To register, click the button below and you will be taken to a PayPal page (where you may purchase with PayPal, credit or debit card). Following your payment, you’ll receive an email receipt, and a welcome email from me. You’ll receive the first activity and channelled meditation on December 1st.

I am deeply grateful to share this healing immersion. with you and would be honored to have you join in. Know that you will experience beautiful, profound and lasting shifts.

Lots of love and angelic blessings,

Don't Forget Your Free Chakra Rejuvenating Meditation

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