Happy Solstice! The energies are very powerful and expansive for the next few days, with the Solstice today June 21 at 11:54am ET. It’s time for reflection, joy and celebration! 

For those in the Northern Hemisphere, summer begins today and the message from our angels is to allow the light to flow through us, fill us, radiate from us, and extend around the world. To receive the light and shine our light.

In the Southern Hemisphere, the Solstice ushers in winter and fewer daylight hours. The energy supports the desire to reflect, contemplate, retreat and experience cocooning and comfort while your light shines inwards.

Today’s Solstice in both hemispheres also marks the halfway point in our journeys through 2019. What would you like to shift or change this year? What would you like to create or manifest? What are you being called to experience, live, or Be?

Solstice energy is wonderful for manifesting! Journal, paint, draw, write, create a new vision (or even a physical vision board) ~ set your intentions for the coming months. 

The next few days are also the perfect time to get out in nature – whether you are in the start of summer or winter – walk, stroll, hike, meditate, sing, dance, sit, be, allow….or do anything that brings you joy outdoors. The beautiful energy of nature brings us peace, calm, harmony, centeredness, insights, joy and abundance.

Celebrate and enjoy! Wishing you a beautiful Solstice!


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