Waking up to the truth of who you are. Awakening to spirit. Realizing that what you thought was reality is an illusion, and what you believed was make believe is actually possible. Or true.
Loving yourself fully and completely. Loving where you’ve been, who you’ve been, acknowledging where you are now, and falling in love with the life, and the realities, that you desire to create for yourself.
Be honest with yourself and gentle with yourself. Be real with yourself and kind to yourself. Embrace all parts, all aspects of yourself. And start appreciating yourself like you never have before.
Changes, shifts and transformations will be occurring more rapidly in the coming months. Stay centered in the now to maintain your balance and equilibrium.
ZEN – Zebra Emerging Now. The dark and the light. Be playful and lighthearted with your own transformation. And be compassionate with the world as it is waking up from centuries of darkness.
There is a saying, Be the Change that you want to see. The angels say Be the Light that you wish to see. For yourself first and foremost. And then for others.
You are so very loved, valued and appreciated. Please know this, believe this, feel this.
Loneliness, abandonment, isolation, and feelings of aloneness are emotions of the past.
We are moving into collective energies of unity and oneness and cohesiveness; be held within their embrace.
You will be seeing further and deeper and clearer than ever before.
Trust what you are viewing with your inner vision, your third eye, your intuition. This is more real than anything portrayed on the surface as reality.
Utilize discernment in all interactions. You will be guided to the things you need and provided for.
Reach out to those who you feel called to reach out to this month.
And also take time to go within – to meditate, journal, write, process and release.
Your angelic guides are with you. Providing love and support. And etheric hugs whenever you need them.
Peace is available to you now.
You are loved, you are loved, you are love.