Take a moment, close your eyes, breathe, and ask,
“What is optimal for me to embrace this month?”
When you open your eyes, see which two cards call to you.
For the reveals and blessings, scroll down. Xoxo
The reveal and blessings!
Card 1 ~’Now’ is the Blessing
This Life is a timeless moment in the eternal ‘now.’ You perceive a yesterday, today and tomorrow but in reality there is only ‘now.’ Focusing on the past or future keeps you from fully living and receiving life’s blessings. Bring your awareness within and you receive a timeless blessing.
Channelling from Robyn and the Angels: Breath now. Be here now. Love yourself fully now.
Card 2 ~ The Blessing of a Door Closing
One moment nothing is happening, then everything seems to happen at once. A door soon closes, but before you know it, another opens. You walk through into a bright new life, one in which you can be who you truly are.
Channelling from Robyn and the Angels: Allow and receive. Be fluid, flexible and focused on the good.
Card 3 ~ The Blessing of Patience
The A blessing comes disguised as a setback or delay. This card is confirmation that you are on the right path. With patience and perseverance you will reach your goal. All is accomplished in perfect time.
Channelling from Robyn and the Angels: Focus, perseverance, trust, perfect and Divine timing.
Card 4 ~ A Blessed Time
The path is clear and all obstacles have vanished. Your time of waiting is over, so proceed with confidence. The challenges you faced were essential, for there is a perfect time for everything. Now is your perfect time to be blessed by the Universe.
Channelling from Robyn and the Angels: You are worthy! Enjoy all of the blessings coming to you