Take a moment, close your eyes, breathe, and ask,
“What is most optimal for me?”
When you open your eyes, see which three (3) cards call to you.
For the reveals and messages, scroll down. Xoxo
Here is the reveal and meanings!
Card 1 ~ Eternal Flame
Take You are so much more than you can possible know. An eternal flame glows inside you at all times. All is constantly embraced by eternal truth. You are being encouraged to hold on to your truth and not be swayed by others. The Universe is testing your faith in yourself. Will you hold your ground? Or will you give in? Remember, the right path for another is not necessarily the right path for you. Stand firm in your truth and feel yourself both empowered and liberated.
Note from Robyn and the Angels: Stay true to your truths. This is of the utmost importance now and in the months ahead!
Card 2 ~ Birth
Dearest one, have the courage to just be. A deeper spiritual understanding is emerging inside of you. Through this, you will give birth to an idea or project that is dear to you. Be joyous in the knowing that this is a direct result of your efforts. The seeds that you planted in seasons past have germinated and will soon bloom. Enjoy the birth of this beautiful and abundant phase. Remember to give thanks for the blessing you are about to receive.
Note from Robyn and the Angels: Be courageous, bold, grounded, Divinely connected and create! And celebrate!
Card 3 ~ Spiritual Growth
Take heart, this is a time of great spiritual growth. Powerful changes are taking place within you. It is important that you nurture yourself. Spend time in nature. Gaze at the stars at night. Walk along a sandy beach.
You will emerge from this period with renewed understanding. Pools of knowledge swell from within.
Note from Robyn and the Angels: This is a powerful time! Embrace all that you are and step into your power!
Card 4 ~ Divine Guidance
Whether There is no greater guidance than listening to your heart. Follow your heart. Have courage and know your heart will guide you safely. Listen, feel the trees, sway the wind. A sound is heard,. A flower grows. Listen your heart yearns to follow rainbows. Love will show you the way.
Note from Robyn and the Angels: Love, courage and trust rather than fear. Empowerment. Divinity, Nature. Breath. Meditation. Journaling. Connect with your heart, soul and higher self.
Card 5 ~ Sorrow
All emotions, even painful ones bring along with them a gift. Sometimes we may not fully appreciate how much something means to us until it’s gone. You consider that nothing is ever truly lost. In the realm spirit all exist eternally. The events of this life are better fleeting moment within our eternal reality.
Through this time your appreciation of friendship and family will deepen. Allow unconditional love. No all is one at the soul level. We are all connected to one another and constantly held within the palm of creation. Imagine life on the physical plane as a giant play in which each of us has a role. Remember that nothing is truly ever lost, even though the script we currently hold may say it is.
Note from Robyn: You are always held in your angels’ embrace. You are loved unconditionally, now and always.