Take a moment, close your eyes, breathe, and ask,

“What is most optimal for me to embrace this month?”

When you open your eyes, see which two cards call to you. 

For the reveals and messages, scroll down.  Xoxo





Here is the reveal and meanings!

Card 1 ~ Ishtar ~ Boundaries
“Love yourself enough to say no to others’ demands on your energy”

Message From Ishtar: A sincere desire to give of service is wonderful. However, there is a distinction between giving of yourself and giving up yourself. If you feel tired, guilty, or resentful while helping others, then you are not truly helping them, are you? You are injecting poisonous energies into the relationship, and then no one benefits. Step back and reassess the situation. As you respect your own boundaries, others will begin to recognize and respect them within you, and within themselves as well. Now that is a healthy behavior to teach others!

Various Meanings Of This Card: You are giving too much • Become more assertive • Do not do things out of guilt or obligation.

About Ishtar: She has been worshiped and invoked since ancient Babylonian times as the embodiment of Venus’s womanly energy. Ishtar represents the Divine feminine in all of her aspects, including nurturing, mothering, sensuality, fertility, healing, protection, and wisdom. As a multidimensional goddess, Ishtar does not tire of helping the men and women who call upon her for assistance.

Message from Robyn: Self-care is essential for everyone, especially empaths, lightworkers and healers! Self-care and then serve others.

Card 2 ~ White Tara ~ Sensitivity

“You are becoming increasingly sensitive. Avoid harsh relationships, environments, situations, and chemicals.”

Message From White Tara: As you have purified your inner world of thoughts, actions, and intentions, it’s natural that you seek purity in your outer world as well. This is to acknowledge your heightened sensitivity, which is as real as it seems! You have stripped away the outer protective layers of unneeded defenses, which blocked your psychic and spiritual awareness. Now you are on the path of ascension, which calls for your heightened awareness. And with this awareness does new levels of sensitivity to the impure and harsh. Your body is a trust worthy instrument of measurement of your tolerance level. Steer clear of that which your body signals you to avoid. Take excellent care of your body, and it shall serve you well!

Various Meanings Of This Card: Acknowledge and honor your sensitivity • Take steps to protect yourself from negativity • Avoid chemicals • Steer clear of situations with loud noise, crowds, violent media, and other triggers.

About White Tara (pronounced Tair-uh): White Tara is an aspect of Tara, a female Buddha and Hindu Mother Creator. The many female faces of the Buddha and Mother Creator are represented as various colors of Tara. White Tara represents purity, maturity, and compassion. The eyes on her hands, feet and forehead allow her to be aware of all prayers. She helps us to live long and peaceful lives.

Message from Robyn: Truly honor yourself; be authentically you. 

Card 3 ~ Eireen ~ Peace

“There is no need to worry, as everything is working out beautifully.”

Message from Eireen:  Even though appearances may seem chaotic, I assure you that a higher plan is in action.  This all-loving power is carrying and supporting you completely. Relax into the arms of Divine love; and breathe away all cares, concerns, and worries.  Put your focus into enjoying and appreciating each blessing. Your gratitude helps you attract even more blessings into your life.

Various Meanings Of This Card: Give your cares and worries to Heaven • Pray • Meditate • Engage in peace-enhancing activities such as yoga, sea-salt baths, massage, naps, music, and playfulness.

About Eireen: (pronounced Eye-reen): A Greek goddess whose sisters include the Goddesses of Lawfulness and Justice, Eireen brings peacefulness to all who call upon her. The Romans referred to her as Pax, which means ‘peace’.  Eireen helps us replace worry with faith.  She also reminds us to retain our childlike awe and enthusiasm for life.

Message from Robyn: Trust, have faith, and allow yourself to receive a feeling of peace and tranquility; trust that the angels/God/Source/Divine are working behind the scenes to assist you.

Card 4 ~ The Arts ~ Sarasvati 

“Express yourself through creative activities.”

Message from Sarasvati:  You’re a limitless being.  If it seems that you have time, money, or other restrictions, it’s simply because your mind is focused upon the material world.  You can unlimit yourself by lifting the cloak of the material world from your focus.  Music is essential for the expression of non-material ideals and energies.  Music colors our surroundings with emanations from the highest vibrational fields.  It allows us to escape all limitations in our thinking and very existence.  Surround yourself in music, and allow it to stimulate your own creative thinking and to spark new ideas.  Flow with the music, and give yourself permission to investigate and experiment with putting your creative ideas into action. Enjoy being limitless!

Various Meanings of This Card:  Play music, sing, dance, draw, paint, write, or do something creative • Study, or change to a career that gives you creative freedom • Take a creative class • Invest in an artistic hobby • Keep a journal of your creative ideas • Join a writing club or other creative support system.

About Sarasvati: The Hindu goddess of the arts, Sarasvati helps us with all creative expressions, such as music, writing, dancing, and eloquent speaking.  The wife of Brahma, Sarasvati prizes knowledge and creative expression above material possessions.  Her symbols include a white swan, the vina musical instrument, and a book of knowledge.  She helps us focus our minds on our creative projects, and not get distracted or procrastinate.

Message from Robyn: Embrace your creativity and so much will flow from that; your life will improve in miraculous ways!

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