Take a moment, close your eyes, breathe, and ask,
“What is my blessing to receive this month?”
When you open your eyes, see which card calls to you.
For the reveals and messages, scroll down. Xoxo
The reveal and your blessing!
Card 1 ~ Infinite Blessing
Blessings flow to and from you, endlessly expanding in all directions; filling you win the healing light that guides you upon your blessed path. Rainbow light flows from your heart creating infinite peace.
Channelling from Robyn and the Angels: Trust and allow yourself to receive. You are worthy and deserving!
Click Here for this week’s Angel Cards & Energy Update
Card 2 ~ The Blessing of Just Being
You may have been thinking that if you had acted or chosen differently in the past, things would be better now. But in thinking this way, you fail to see the positive effects your past actions and choices have had on both yourself and others. Look closely and you will see many blessings.
Channelling from Robyn and the Angels: Be kind, gentle and loving towards yourself now and always.
Click Here for this week’s Angel Cards & Energy Update
Card 3 ~ Your Blessed Power
You are a field of endless possibility with unlimited power to create. Every atom of you is full of abstract potential that can be moulded into any form. Every particle of you holds the blueprint of creation. You are a force of nature and a great blessing on this earth.
Channelling from Robyn and the Angels: You have the power. Tune in to your heart, what are you desiring to create or manifest?
Click Here for this week’s Angel Cards & Energy Update
Card 4 ~ Now is the Blessing
Life is a timeless moment in the eternal Now. You perceive a yesterday, today and tomorrow but in reality there is only ‘Now. Focusing on the past or future keeps you from fully living and receiving life’s blessings. Bring your awareness within and you receive a timeless blessing.
Click Here for this week’s Angel Cards & Energy Update