‘Welcome to your April 2023 Channeled Energy Forecast, I’m Robyn Hessinger of Inspired Guidance® and Get LiT!® Academy lightworker training and certification.
This month we have the possibility of, and opportunities for, huge transformation. Transcending limiting beliefs and thoughts, moving beyond our old stories, and releasing old wounds. And these can be actual physical health issues, mental or emotional things that we’ve experienced in the past, or they can even be spiritual. We can also be transcending things from other lifetimes that have been playing a part in this lifetime. So whoa, there’s a lot in that, yah?
Welcome to April, a month of Rebirth.
We’ve talked about new beginnings and fresh starts for 2023. And if it felt like things were slow in January, February, or even the beginning of March, don’t worry, it’s okay. We are all okay. 🙂
We’ve been in this energetic pool, where we might be swimming laps, we might be floating, we might be treading water, or we might be even standing with our feet on the bottom of the pool, as we’re getting ready for something bigger. As we’re getting ready to swim, the swim meet, swim the race. We’re ready to getting ready to dive into the ocean or a lake or or a larger body of water. And if you don’t swim, or you’re not into water, don’t worry. It’s it’s about the energy of it, The energy of preparing.
This year, there’s also a lot of focus on inward reflection, on awakening, new awarenesses, and most importantly, being our authentic self. For each of us, our authentic self. And so the energy is really supporting us in that.
We’re being encouraged to tune into our heart more and more in April, to engage with and tune into our higher selves, and also to connect with our angels and the Divine on a regular basis. If that is something that you would like, guidance or assistance with, please reach out to me, it’s one of the things that I help with. 🙂
Flow, Kindness & Creativity
This month we’re moving into more flow. And as we move into more flow, you’re going to notice more synchronicities, more signs, more things flowing your way, going your way. I’m seeing it as a ramp up to what’s ahead in May, June, July, August and beyond.
Don’t worry if it’s been a little slower. It’s really important in the slow moments, or if we’re not feeling like our optimal selves or aren’t super high energy rest, reflect, meditate, journal, take a walk in nature or sit in nature and go within. The reflection piece of this year is really, really important. It will help lead you to what is next.
And please don’t give yourself a hard time for the slower times, or if you’ve been sick, or if you’ve been feeling challenged by something. Please be really be patient, loving, kind and gentle with yourself and understand that it’s part of the energy of this year. And at the same time, we’re gonna be moving out of the slower energy. I’m seeing this creative spark. This creative energy, I want to say ‘energized’ energy, which is very exciting. And what’s ahead is very exciting!
Here are three cards for all of us for April 2023 (to pick your personal card, scroll down.)

Card 1 ~ Creativity
Allowing your creativity to flow, and trusting that you are creative. Each of us was born creative, even if somebody told us when we were younger that we weren’t a great artists, or we weren’t great at drawing or something creative. Perhaps it wasn’t something that was focused on in school or family or in a corporate environment. Know that you are creative, that each one of us is born creative. Tune in to what creative activity brings you joy. Tune into the tune into the form of creativity that feels joyful to you. And then do a little bit of that every other day, or a few times a week during the month of April. And you will receive more downloads, insights, answers, confirmation signs, synchronicities, being in the flow, just by tapping into your creativity. So this is really, really important card and an important message as well.
Card 2 ~ Meditation
Something that many of us resist, right? Really, really, really important for tuning into our higher selves, tuning into our guides and angels, tuning into the Divine, and tuning into your heart. Stillness. Allowing yourself to set the day aside, set your thoughts aside, even for a few minutes. And if it feels challenging, if it feels difficult, that’s okay. And the longer we sit in the discomfort, the easier it becomes, eventually, and the more that comes through. Like waiting the extra 30 seconds, or one minute, or that little bit of extra time, allows that insight and that information to come through.
Card 3 ~ Tantric Union
This is an interesting card, because it can be about you and a partner, an intimate partner; it can be about you and your true self, your Higher Self, your soul. It can be about you and the Divine. You will know what it means for you. Whether it’s about partnership and intimacy, with another physical being, or whether it’s about a partnership, in connection with yourself, and it more deeper, expansive, more profound way than you’ve ever experienced before. It’s about your connection with the Divine and source. And again, a more expansive and deeper connection that you’ve ever had before. In April, there’s a lot of opportunities for this connection.
To select Your Personal Card for April 2023, click here.
Ready to connect? Here are some options!
Are you an Empath, Lightworker or Healer? Download my free video series to Dscover Your Superpower!
There are a limited number of 1:1 Mentorship spots available. This is a 6 month journey we take together. Reach out to get started!
We have another Manifesting with the Angels event coming up! Message me for details. 😇