Perhaps close your eyes for a moment. Take a breath. And put your hand on your heart if you feel called. Tune in to one, two or three, and this is your personal card for the month ahead.

Card 1 ~ Spiritual  Growth
Lots of opportunities for Spiritual Growth this year, and this month. The things that you are experiencing, the lessons you are learning, and the growth are all leading you to higher vibration, newer awarenesses, new awarenesses, new insights on your path, on your journey.

Embrace all the experiences. Tune into flow and synchronicity and signs and write down or record the insights that come to you and the experiences that you have. It’s going to be important to look back on later. 

Card 2 ~ Divine Guidance

Know that there’s guidance coming through for you, especially if you’ve been praying about something, if you’ve been hoping for something, or if you’ve been seeking clarity on something.

 Getting out in nature is super helpful, quieting your thoughts, quieting your mind, or doing an activity that you really enjoy, something that really brings you joy.

And notice how the answers come through as you do.

Also read the details about the three main cards for April 2023 in this post here as these messages and actions will also help you to receive Divine guidance and allow yourself to connect with your heart, your Higher Self, your angels, and the Divine.

Card 3 ~ The Goddess
You don’t have to be female for this card. The message is that you are beautiful. You are Divine. You are Perfect, wonderful, just as you are.

If you’ve been having regrets about the past or have been doing the ‘should have-would have-could have’ thing in your mind. Or were thinking that there is something wrong with you. You are beautiful and divine.

And especially stop comparing yourself to others. We each are unique in our own ways. We each have our own unique gifts and qualities that we bring to this planet. We each came in with gifts in this lifetime. Maybe you haven’t even recognized all your gifts or maybe you’ve only scratched the surface but know that you are a goddess. And to be nicer and kinder to yourself. 





Ready to connect? Here are some options!

✨  Are you an Empath, Lightworker or Healer? Download my free video series to Dscover Your Superpower! 

✨ There are a limited number of 1:1 Mentorship spots available. This is a 6 month journey we take together. Reach out to get started!

✨ We have another Manifesting with the Angels event coming up! Message me for details. 😇 

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