Take a moment, close your eyes, breathe, and ask,

“What would the angels like me to know this month?”

When you open your eyes, see which THREE cards call to you. 

For the reveals and messages, scroll down.  Xoxo





The reveal and meanings!

Card 1 ~ Expectancy

Something you’ve been hoping for may not come about as you had expected. Observe the image on this card. Allow its energy to fill you. Know you are being filled with the infinite power of love.

Fixed expectations are preventing something far more beautiful from entering your life.

Surrender and trust. Something beyond what you could ever possibly imagine will manifest soon.

Note from Robyn: Things are rapidly shifting. Allow the old to be released and the new to come in. Journal, daydream and go out in nature.

Card 2 ~ Forgiveness

Kuan Yin, the Goddess of Compassion and Mercy walks with a fiery dragon at her feet. Yet she holds no fear. Kuan Yin’s energy constantly radiates love, compassion and mercy to all living things. These energies have tamed the dragon that now follows her with devotion. Kuan Yin has shown up in your reading today to offer you her assistance.

A situation in your life is in need of healing. The way to resolve this issue is through forgiveness. Show compassion and mercy towards all involved.

Know that in forgiving you are not necessarily condoning another’s actions. Forgiveness simply means that you are prepared to release yourself from ongoing negative attachment. Kuan Yin bestows her blessings.

Note from Robyn: It is time to love yourself fully and completely; forgiveness is the first step…xoxo

Card 3 ~ Enchantment

In choosing this card, your higher self is reminding you that life is full of enchantment. Stop and notice the beauty that surrounds you. Gaze at the stars at night. Feel the breeze caress you. Absorb the colors and vibrations of nature. Smell the flowers. The Universe is an enchanting and inspiring place. Stop for a moment and take note of its beauty.

Note from Robyn: Get out in nature as often as you can. Allow yourself to simply Be.

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Card 4 ~ Creativity


Creative energy is stirring within you. Your soul desires to express itself. It asks that you tap into your feelings and begin to express them. Explore your true nature through a creative pursuit. Be it painting, drawing, writing, music, gardening or crafts. Creativity can be expressed in so many ways. You, along with every other living thing upon this planet are filled with creative energy. Creativity is not a gift bestowed only upon some. Everyone is creative. Try it, and discover its healing and magical power. 


Note from Robyn: Creativity helps us to get out of our heads/logical, rational thinking and tune into our hearts, intuition and soul. Even one small act of creativity can open up so many other things in our lives.

 Click Here for the February 2021 Energy Update & Angel Messages

Card 5 ~ Healing Sounds


The woman holds a crystal sphere through which she is able to access ancient healing sounds. Our ears cannot hear the sound of our spirit that contains the resonance of ancient knowledge. The guidance coming through this card is to make you aware that much ancient knowledge from the times of Atlantis and Lumeria can be accessed through your spirit with the help of crystals and sound. In many ways our earth at present is similar to those ancient times. Accessing these healing sounds will help you understand what is going on in our wold at the present time. You will also help balance the earth’s energy at this important time of evolution.


Note from Robyn: Many of you reading this had past lives in Atlantis or Lemuria. Utilize crystals and sound in meditation to connect with experiences there and bring your gifts and knowing into this lifetime.


Card 6 ~ Physical Body


The It’s time to love yourself fully and that includes your physical body. Your body is your vehicle on the earth plane. Pay attention to what it is saying. Be loving a gentle towards it. Nurture and respect it. And above all, watch your thoughts. The next time you have a negative or critical thought about yourself, stop and change that thought to love. Praise and respect your body and watch the transformation. Close your eyes. Take a deep slow breath. Let it flow into every part of you. Relax your body, heart and mind. Imagine each breath as a soothing, glowing light, healing every part of you. Remember, above all else, it is our negative thoughts, beliefs and attitudes that cause the most harm. Allow only positive thoughts to flourish. As your beliefs and attitudes change, so too will your body.


Note from Robyn: Love all of yourself, fully, completely and totally. Love your scars. Love where you have been. Love who you have been. And love who you are in this now moment.


Click Here for the February 2021 Energy Update & Angel Messages


Card 7 ~ Universal Heart


Stare into the face on this card. What is it reflecting back to you? Meditate upon this image. After a while you will see that the human face disappears to reveal stars and galaxies.



A space of infinite creation lies beyond your thoughts. Allow the universal heart to reflect the infinite creation that is within you.


Note from Robyn: You are made of stars and light! Close your eyes, put a hand on your heart, and feel your connection with the Universe and all that is.




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