Welcome to your April 2021 Channeled Energy Forecast, I’m Robyn Hessinger of Inspired Guidance® and Get Lit!® Academy lightworker training and certification.

We have themes of: Creativity, Collaboration, Connection, as well as Contrast, and still some Chaos that is going on in the world. And the chaos is a part of the contrast.

We have an opportunity to tune into and to embrace our Creativity this month and to utilize this creativity for connection with others, collaboration with others, and to facilitate or help us mitigate the contrast that’s going on.

And we have an opportunity for more Connection with self, others, higher self, and our guides and angels. I see it like this energetic octopus that’s going out into the world and connecting in all different areas.

There’s also Community, so connecting with and meeting new communities, connecting with your tribe connecting, with your soul tribe, and with your soul family. There are lots of opportunities for that in the month ahead.

We also have Contrast. There’s always been contrast in the world and contrast in our universe. We’re going to be seeing more and more of it in the months ahead and this is why connecting with yourself, your higher self, and your guides and angels is now important and is even more important as we move forward.

Discern what is true for you and tune into your beliefs, your ideas, and your creativity.

Most importantly though, it’s about what you know to be true for yourself as we move into this contrast between third dimensional and fifth dimensional, old and new energies and new ways of being, and to move into the highest timelines.

We have multiple timelines playing out right now and you’ve likely heard me talking about this since September 2020. We have a timeline that’s way up high, and then three or four timelines in between, and another timeline that’s way down low.

What we will be experiencing in our personal realities is in part due to the focus and the connection that we have with ourselves, our higher selves, our guides and angels.

We also have an opportunity as we focus on creativity, love, new beginnings, fresh starts, new ways of being – and trust in self, and trust in our guides and angels, and trust in the universe – to move into these higher dimensional timelines, to help facilitate those timelines becoming a reality, and help, encourage or bring others into those timelines.

It’s about being high vibration, connecting with your soul tribe and soul family, tuning into your creativity, and using all of your creative abilities. It’s also about collaboration with new people, your guides and angels, your higher self and soul, for what it wants to bring into this physical reality at this time because we are experiencing so many shifts and so many changes.

The shifts are going to continue throughout this year and into 2022, 2023, and 2024.These are going to be really big years and really big shifts where we’re also going to see the contrast become even more apparent. The contrasts become even wider between fear, dread, doom and gloom, and on the other side, creativity, possibilities, and new ways of living, being and creating.

We’re living in such exciting times. It’s kind of wild actually.

Yes, there’s heaviness. Yes, there’s sadness. Yes, there’s fear.

We have opportunities to really move through a lot of these experiences, energies and emotions and into a higher vibration way of being, a higher vibration way of living and connecting and experiencing things.

So what are some of the things that you can do for yourself and for others?
✨ Do one thing each day that brings you joy. It can be something small, medium or large.
✨ Connect with your higher self for five minutes a day. Even five minutes of meditation, tuning in, and silence is hugely beneficial.
✨Connect with your creativity in whatever way you are called – writing, drawing, painting, singing, dancing, anything that is creative. Tap into that and follow the creative hunches as you get them.
✨ Also follow the seeds of connection as you receive them, whether it’s connecting with your higher self and angels or connecting with new people and new communities.

Welcome to April, welcome to spring in the northern hemisphere, welcome to new ways of being and experiencing things,

The angels are sending you a really big hug right now.

May you be in your highest joy, and be dancing, singing and enjoying life in every moment.

Lots of love and angel blessings.


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