You were born a lightworker.


It’s time to remember your gifts and follow your calling…

I know what it feels like to start receiving intuitive and psychic messages, but not being sure whether you should share them.

Or being called to explore mediumship, psychic abilities, angels, crystals or something else your friends and family consider ‘out there’ and ‘woo-woo’ while trying to maintain a normal professional exterior.

Maybe you’re receiving subtle (or not-so-subtle) nudges from the universe that you’re destined for something bigger.

If you’re saying Yes or nodding along, I’ve got exciting news for you: You’re waking up to your life’s purpose.

You are a Lightworker.

And you’re not alone. 

As an empath and lightworker, there’s a good chance you experienced a lot at a young age. Often difficult, challenging experiences that now allow you to relate to and empathise with others.

You have the ability to be an inspiration and an example for others.

And yes, you have a purpose, a calling, and a mission.

To help, to heal, to counsel, to teach, or to serve.

To awaken your light and to help others see theirs.

It’s time to discover your gifts and abilities, to realize your purpose, and to shine your light ever so brightly!


11 Signs You Are a Lightworker

 1. You feel called to help, heal or guide others.

2. You are empathic or highly sensitive.

3. You want to make a difference in the world.

4. You care deeply about environment and animals, and how they are both treated.

5. You might not always feel like you fit in, and you might feel lonely, until you find your spiritual tribes.

6. You feel a need to understand yourself, others, the world and the Universe; you are seeking and searching.

7. You are committed to personal growth, to changing, growing, evolving, expanding, becoming more aware and awake.

8. You may sense or be aware that you have intuitive, psychic, mediumship or channeling gifts and abilities.

9. You may feel a calling or resonance with the healing arts, energy healing or angels.

10. You have a great sense of when people are being genuine vs. dishonest.

11. You have experienced a strong spiritual awakening or a series of awakenings.

Are You Ready to Develop Your Spiritual Gifts & Connect with Your Soul Community?

Remembering Who You Are at a Soul Level

This deeply transformational experience will ignite your intuition even more, connect you to your true and remarkable purpose, and empower you to share and shine your light brightly in the world. 

~ Trust yourself and the intuitive messages you are receiving

~ Feel more comfortable with your gifts.

~ Have so much more confidence, calm, clarity and certainty when making decisions. 

~ Feel a sense of calm and certainty despite the chaos in the world

~ See, feel, sense your Bigger Purpose and start taking Bigger Steps

You’ll not only go with the flow, you’ll be in the flow. 

You’ll be more calm, clear, confident, joyous and peaceful, unlocking new happiness, abundance, and prosperity, wisdom and exceptionally valuable insights.

It’s time to fully embrace your Lightworker journey, embrace yourself, and embrace your soul’s calling.

You will connect deeper with your intuition, tap into your spiritual and metaphysical powers, and realize and awaken to your life calling.

We explore what it means to be a Lightworker and why being an Empath is a good thing.

You learn the essentials of connecting, protecting, & clearing; tuning in to your intuition and receiving messages; sensing energy; meeting your guides and angels, and much, much, more!

Get LIT!® Lightworkers in Training will help you open or access more clearly your intuition and inner wisdom.

It will also help you sense your own subtle energy perceptions more fully and develop your psychic and mediumship abilities.

You’ll experience fun, playful explorations that will help you expand and fine-tune your gifts.


  • Natural born intuitive, psychic, medium, channel and healer
  • Certified Reiki Master teacher
  • Certified Angel Therapy Practitioner®
  • Certified Bioenergy Balancing practitioner
  • Experienced Medium who has trained with James Van Praagh and Jason Oliver
  • Founder of Inspired Guidance® & Get Lit!® Academy
  • Lifetimes as a seer, healer, and mystical teacher

    I have been called to help lightworkers awaken 

    and shine their light in the world

    I’m here to support you on the unfolding of your journey and the expansion of you, and your gifts, talents and abilities.

    I help you to:

    • Connect to yourself, your guides & angels, your higher self, and the Divine.
    • Discover your gifts and your higher purpose/calling.
    • Be comfortable with your gifts and role as a Lightworker and to share yourselves and your gifts with others.

    Are You Ready to Develop Your Spiritual Gifts?


    There is a Divine spark of light stirring inside of you that is trying to get your attention.

    Lightworkers around the world are awakening to the call of the Divine and it’s for a good reason: The world needs beautiful lights like you to step into your power and shine.

    During this time of chaos and anxiety, when we tune in beyond what we can see and touch, we have a greater sense of peace, security and overall well-being.

    As you start seeing the world (and the Universe!) in very different ways, it’s so important to have people you can connect with and relate to who understand what you’re going through because they are going through it too.


    It’s time to remember who you are.
    It’s time to reclaim your light, power and potential.
    It’s time to embrace your calling and Divine purpose.

    Are you ready for Clarity, Connection and Confidence?

    Are you ready to Tune into Your Intuition and Trust Yourself?


    Are you ready to Step into Your Lightworker Powers?

    Imagine finding your soul’s tribe…


    It can feel lonely and even frustrating when you’re awakening.

    I know what it feels like to start waking up to a bigger purpose, mission or calling.

    I also know how it feels when you don’t have people close to you that you can share your experiences with.

    Support and community are especially important when it comes to your spiritual journey, because there are times when there may not be a lot of people in your world that you can have those conversations with.

    Awakening your spiritual gifts is like learning any new skill.

    Like riding a bike – there’s part of it that’s an individual journey because it’s your own development of your skills. And part of it that’s more fun when there’s someone to teach you or mentor you or run alongside the bike as you get the training wheels taken off.

    I’ve been called to create that community for you. 


    I’m also here to guide you through the experiences you’re having, and to help you explore what it means for you.


    It’s time to embrace your Lightworker journey!


    Join us on a Spiritual Journey that is both fun and profound!

    Lightworker Love

    - Majella Sweeney, Killarney, Ireland

    “The past year in Robyn’s mentorship program has been fabulous. Each week revealed new things and helped me to understand and accept myself. Robyn’s channelled guided meditations really work- it’s a different journey every time and it’s always transformational. I was feeling lost before I started the mentorship, I had been searching for so long. Now, me, myself, my life are all so different from a year ago. I know I have sensitivities, gifts and now tools, and I tap into them and use them.”

    Nine months of guidance, inspiration, mentoring and support,
    and a lifetime of connecting with your intuition, angels and gifts!

    More Lightworker Love

    - Michelle Schoffro Cook, PhD, ROHP, DNM, Canada

    “Robyn is an inspired and gifted clairvoyant and healer and a compassionate and caring person.”

    ~ Alisa Tantraphol, California, USA

    One of the most beautiful parts of my life – a safe space to share and mutually support other women on their own spiritual journeys. I’m *SO*, so grateful for this wonderful, intimate community!

    -Laura Landers Duke, Tennessee, USA

    “Fabulous, Robyn! This is what you were born to do. You opened up my life in so many new directions.Thank you again! I feel alive!”

    ~ Antonella Annibale, San Diego, CA, USA

    Robyn is truly gifted. The changes that have happened in my life have been astounding! I have such a sense of freedom.”

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