All cards have the energy of October,
three speak more to your personal journey though.

Close your eyes, take a breath, and relax. 

When you open your eyes, without thinking about it, see which three (3) cards call to you.

Scroll down for the reveal and meanings…





























It is within the stillness and silence of the womb that all life is formed. It is often through the space of non-activity that we allow something deeper to emerge. When we surrender our will to the universe we become receptive to the will of the divine. We become open to life while we allow new life to form within us.

Stillness and silence are essential parts of our daily balance. Without sleep, we cease to function, both physically and psychologically.

In this fast-paced, action-packed, outcome-based culture, stillness, both physically and psychologically, is considered a hindrance and an annoyance. Yet every process of life; integration, healing and manifestation requires a period of stillness. This is a period where action and force actually hinder and hold up the process, a period where true surrender is the only option.

If you are feeling frustrated, stuck or confused, it may be time for you to stop trying to force action and outcomes in your life. For the moment just let it all go.

You may be feeling anxious or excited to have a particular sort of movement in your life, or experience a particular outcome but it is not yet time for that outcome, this is a time for surrender.

When the time is right for activity and movement you will know because it will be natural and easy rather than frustrated and forced.

This is the time for stillness, for going with him, for pruning your inner garden before trying to decorate it.

Archangel Raziel

There are realms that exist beyond our everyday perceptions. Realms of color, sound, thought and feeling, realms of myth. Realms of unimaginable vastness that cover both time and space.

There are times of increased awareness and increased sensitivity, where our everyday perceptions shift and our senses become heightened. This occurs during major life or personal transitions, the artistic or creative process and during heightened spiritual or psychic awareness.

During these periods, the veil that separates the worlds becomes thinner and our everyday awareness becomes hyper-awareness. Our senses become refined as we tune into new colors, sounds, thoughts, feelings, myths and the vastness of time and space. This is a time of heightened awareness for you. This is a time for truly listening, feeling and opening up to the hidden worlds.

You may have felt yourself drawn to new thoughts, ideas and new experiences recently. You may have become more aware of signs or omens from the universe. Strange synchronicities may be occurring regularly. Your dreams may be stranger and more vivid. The veil may be thinning at this time, to reveal new worlds both within and around you.

It is extremely important that you take note of what is revealing itself to you. There are secrets, keys and signs from the Universe that want to be revealed to you. It is an ideal time to write, draw, meditate, communicate and create. Let the secrets of the hidden worlds inspire you into a new state of consciousness.

✨✨Want to connect with your guides and angels? Or learn to trust your intuition? Ready to explore your spiritual journey or expand your gifts? Click here to schedule your complimentary Illumination Call ✨✨

Archangel Jeremiel

Each person is born a unique fingerprint of God. We are the summation of a multitude of ingredients that together make us who we are.

We are born into specific families, in specific places, with challenges as well as the nurturing that we need to learn and grow into who we become.

Beyond that, we are made up of the instinctive traits, fears, passions and longings that also reflect our nature.

Then we have a set of experiences through our lives were we may experience challenges or awakenings that move us even further along the path of who we are. We learn certain lessons or get naturally guided to different experiences or places.

Beyond all that, we feel a calling; a drive to do, experience and become something, whether this is a career or internal state.

All these things give us clues as to what we need to gain and experience in order to learn and grow in this life and they show us what our soul longs to express and feel.

It is now time to look at what these “clues” are telling you about you.

Your true nature is more than a few personality traits, interests and experiences. It is time to go beyond them, into the silence, to discover what lies beneath it all.

What is that special, unique essence that makes up you?

It is time to truly feel the perfect God/Goddess that exists at the core of your being. It is then that you may better see the true path that your experiences are taking you on and what parts of yourself and your life you must let go of in order to experience more happiness and integrity.

This is a time of awakening, of waking up to the core of who you are and immense potential that you hold in each moment.

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Light is consciousness. It reflects a waking world to us so that we can experience its reflection; interpreting and making sense of it so that we can more effectively walk within this world.

When the world around or within us begins to change, our conscious minds cannot make sense of the new data as the old interpretations and meetings no longer apply. We enter new territory and the mind needs to release all ideas, illusions and patterns and at the same time expand to integrate a new level of consciousness.

The inner or outer changes that occur to provoke the shift in consciousness are usually shocking, disorienting and overwhelming. The mind leaves the safety, clarity, comfort and warmth of the day and must journey into the unconscious realm of night. Here we experience the breakdown of our previous reality and begin to experience a new truth emerging from within.

This whole process is scary but ultimately it is this type of death and rebirth of consciousness that allows us to grow, expand and proceed through the phases of life.

If you have picked this card at this time, it may signify that you are currently experiencing a dark night of the soul. You may feel lost, scared, confused, stuck, angry or overwhelmed. You may feel helpless and hopeless, as though nothing can or will change, no matter what you do. You may feel alone, isolated, like no one in the world understands you. You may feel scared, angry and confused at what you believe to be your fixed reality has been shattered.

It is important to understand that this is a necessary shift in consciousness. You must leave the past behind and surrender to being in the strange, unknown space until all that must be faced is faced, all that must be cleared is cleared, and all that must be integrated is integrated.

The rebirth that occurs through the passage of this time will bring more to you than you could ever imagine and when that sun rises, a new and clarified self will emerge into a new day, where a new world of possibilities will be open to you.

✨✨Are you excited to explore your spiritual journey or expand your gifts? Join me for Your Sacred Journey. Click here for more details.✨✨


All throughout history there are stories and myths about heroes going into battle, fighting dragons or even battling through dangerous territory at sea. These stories represent the hero standing in the face of danger, ready to confront his or her shadow. They represent the heroes willingness to surrender to a higher state of consciousness at the expense of all ego attachments such as pride, greed and compulsion. The hero is even willing to die as he or she has connected to being part of the eternal consciousness of life, rather than the ego or identity state of consciousness.

So as the hero goes out to battle dragons in order to bring the good back to his or her town, he or she is actually going on a journey to face the shadow in order to bring the goods back to his or her self so that movement can be made into the next phase of life, on an internal level.

It may now be time for you to go on this journey. You may feel surrounded by obstacles, temptations, and danger, but rather than getting scared or overwhelmed it is time to stop, look at what is occurring around you, connect to your deeper sense of personal truth and then battle those dragons in whichever way you know you need to.

This is a time to sacrifice your ego and fight for your highest truth with courage and integrity. Everything in this universe is perfect and in perfect order. It is the interacting polarities that keep things in place and moving in perfect synchronicity.

Decide now where you want to be. What are you willing to fight for? What do you need to fight for? Have you become disconnected or numb, lost in mundane thought, TV and routine? It is absolutely time to wake up! This is a call to adventure. What are you going to fight for?


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