Welcome to your October Energy Forecast.

There’s a lot going on energetically all around the world. I’m sending you lots of love wherever you are, for everything that you are maneuvering through right now, everything that you’re managing and dealing with. Everything energetically, everything environmental, and all these really intense energies that are happening.

Last month, in the September Energy Forecast, we talked about Chaos, Creativity and Changes. All of that carries over into October and beyond, so we’re going to talk about that a bit, and expand on how that’s transforming and shaping this month.

The main themes for October are Personal Power, Discernment, and Ascension.

We’ve been talking about Ascension since 2012 (or before), with some really, really big shifts in the fall and winter of 2012. If you remember what was going on in your life back then and what changes were going on – perhaps changes in your job or career, relationship, or living situation, or changes going on around you…there were a lot of shifts big shifts for many people in the fall and winter of 2012.

And now coming into the fall and winter in the Northern Hemisphere (spring/summer in the Southern Hemisphere) and we’re also going through huge, huge, huge, ginormous (I can’t emphasize that enough), ginormous energetic shifts. So hang on. Breathe.

October is going to be messy. The next couple months are going to be messy. But we can handle it. We’ve got this. We can handle it.

And through this messiness comes some really, really beautiful things.

So know that it’s going be messy, know that the chaotic stuff is still happening, and is still going to be continuing.

And at the same time, we are moving through such huge energetic shifts we have so many opportunities in these shifts.

In this month’s forecast, we’re going to focus on Ascension, 5th Dimensional energies, Discernment and Personal Power.

First of all though, the most important thing that the angels want you to know:

You are safe
You are loved
You are magnificent

You are safe
You are loved
You are protected

You are safe
You are loved
You are absolutely Divine

Divine in your physical body and divinity on this earth plane. This is really, really important for you to know in this moment, and to take a breath, and to receive that, to allow that in.

You are safe, you are loved, you are magnificent. You are safe, you are loved, you are protected.

You are safe, you are loved, you are absolutely exquisitely fabulously divine in your human form, in your human body, in everything that you’ve been through and everything that you’re going through and everything that you’re experiencing, you are absolutely divine.

And just as we are using the light that we have today to share this forecast, we’re all being encouraged to use the light that we have – to use our own personal light, the light that we all hold, and the light that’s coming in from our angels and our etheric teams and our angelic helpers.

Yes, there is chaos. Yes, things are messy. Things are going to get messier. And at the same time, this month and in the next couple months, using and utilizing the light that is coming in and is available to us.

Despite appearances, despite the messiness and what feels like chaos, despite the dissension and dissent that’s going on in the world right now, there is still more light coming in than we have had in thousands of years. So even with everything that’s going on, there’s a ton of light coming in at this time.

Which leads us into the next theme for October, Personal Power.

You are divine, I am divine, we are divine.

We have freedom and personal freedom. Even if it doesn’t always feel like it. Even with restrictions in your community, county, state or country, we have personal freedom, we have divine freedom and we have sovereignty. We have divine sovereignty.

And the angels are saying that when we connect to that and when we tune into our personal power and connect to our divine sovereignty, then anything is possible. We can shift realities, we can shift what we’re experiencing, we can jump timelines, we can transcend timelines, and we can shift things.

Despite appearances, despite everything that’s going on in the world right now and how we’re personally feeling in different situations and what we’re dealing with – again whether it’s certain restrictions around sheltering in place or not being able to travel, not being able to go out to places that we want to go out to or even being inside because of the smoke and the environment outside – that we have personal freedom, we have divine sovereignty.

The angels say that you’re a sovereign being, I’m a sovereign being, we are all sovereign beings.

Sometimes, the way the world looks and with everything that’s going on, we forget this right.

So if you’re sitting down and reading this, stand up for a moment, and state (say it louder each time:

I am a sovereign being.

I am a sovereign being.

I am a sovereign being.

When you are feeling fear, doubt, constriction, restricted, or limited, say: I am a sovereign being. I am a sovereign being. I am a sovereign being.

Use that this month, use it in November, and use it in December. It’s going to be really important in terms of personal power.

Know that you, we, we all, have the freedom to choose our thoughts, to choose to use tools (practices, processes, methods) to shift our energy and our vibration and raise our vibration, to connect with our guides and angels, to connect with our inner wise self, to connect with our intuition, and that is all personal power.

It’s not taught in school. It’s usually not taught in families. It’s not taught when we’re growing up. 

We’re taught to memorize, and to add and subtract and multiply.

We’re usually not taught to use our intuition, or to listen to our own inner voice.

 Which also brings us into the next theme, Discernment.

 We talked a little bit about this in September…whatever you are hearing, seeing, watching or being told – whether it is news, or online, or a friend, family member, neighbor or someone in your community – tune in and ask, “Is this true for me?”

Put a hand on your heart and ask, “Does this resonate with me? Is this true for me?”

There are so many so many different realities right now, and there are multiple different timelines playing out.

The angels are giving me the example of, if you were to go to the grocery store and pick out a cereal box. It says natural and healthy and the front of the box conveys that it’s a super healthy natural product. Then when you start reading the list of ingredients and getting into the details of it you realize actually it’s not so healthy after all. And if you tune into the vibration of it or if you muscle test or you ask “Is this optimal for me? Does my body want this? Is this good for me?” And you get a “heck no, put it back on the shelf.”

We have an opportunity – it’s one of the big opportunities right now – to really discern what is true for you. What is good for you, what is optimal for you, what is best for you?

And it might not be somebody else’s narrative, it might not be somebody else’s beliefs, it may not be somebody else’s ideas or their story or what they’re trying to convince you of.

Tune into what is true for you.

Another example the angels are giving me: Many years ago, people were told that cigarettes were good for them, that tobacco was good for them. We now know differently.

So whatever you’re seeing, reading, or hearing, tune in tune in to your inner wise self, use your inner compass, use your intuition, tune into your guides and angels, and ask, “Is this true for me? Is this optimal for me?

I’m being shown [by the angels] that we have opportunities right now to tune into the realities that we want to manifest and create.

We’ve always had that, but even now more than ever, when there are so many different opinions, beliefs, thoughts, ideas and so much dissension in U.S. and in the world, it’s essential to tune into what is true for you. That is Discernment.

We talked about personal power; we’ve talked about discernment, and ascension.

The energies are rapidly shifting, we’re moving into fifth dimensional energies and we’re going there either way. It’s just what each of our personal experiences is. No one will be forced or pulled in to it. And you’re still in a physical body even when you’re in fourth and fifth Dimensional energy. You have a different experience of the world though. Way more love, way more joy, way more compassion, more balance and equilibrium.

Notice how things are shifting and changing for you, especially as you stand in your personal power, claim your sovereignty, claim your divinity, as you are discerning about what you watch, eat, read, listen to and resonate with. Notice how different things feel in your body and your awareness and your emotions.

We’re going through such huge shifts, and such rapid shifts, and things are speeding up. The angels are showing me that if there’s resistance, it’s just more challenging.

Also the angels are saying that if there are certain behaviors, habits, situations, circumstances, relationships, or other things that aren’t working for you so much now, it’s a beautiful time to make to shift the energy, to release things, and to heal things. It’s what we need to do as we transition, as we ascend, as we get into this new energy

Again, they [angels] want you to know that we are all so incredibly love and that this time of messiness and chaos is leading us to new ways of being (which I talked about in March when all of this was starting to building up).

All of this all of this that we’re going through is leading us to new ways of being. And those new ways of being, even though it may not seem like it right now or feel like it right now, are leading us to more harmony, more love, more unconditional love – which is something [unconditional love] that some people on this planet have never experienced in this lifetime or other lifetimes.

Unconditional love, harmony, and unity.

Even though it doesn’t seem like it now. Even though things seem so disparate and “dis-spirited”.

The massive changes that we’re going through now are leading us to new ways of being, more conscious ways of being, more loving ways of being, and more unified ways of being.

I see the comment “wouldn’t that be nice”…

Yes, it is glorious and it is beautiful.

What we can each do now, what I can do, what can you do, what can each of us do, is hold that in our vibration, hold that in our vision. 

There are so many different realities that everyone is experiencing right now. There are different timelines going on.

The more we tune into that higher vibration timeline, the higher vibration energy, those higher vibration realities, the better it feels in the moment and it also it helps lift us up individually and lift us up collectively

And if you watched this during the live stream or are watching the reply anytime in the coming months [or are reading this now], this message is for you. That is what you’re here for. That’s what I’m here for. That’s what we’re all here for. To be raising up the collective. And we do it by individually raising our vibrations and holding those visions of more love, more peace, more unity more awareness, more earthly connection and divine connection. And that’s how ascend into that timeline, with lots of love.

October is going to be messy and at the same time we have an opportunity to make it magnificent.

Sending you lots of love!

 © Robyn Hessinger, Inspired Guidance ~ If you would like to share this forecast, please share in its entirety.

Upcoming October Events:

Take a Leap with Your Angels ~ intimate group program forming now. If there’s something that you have wanted to shift, change, heal, create or manifest, send me a message here because we’re getting a small group together in October to take Big leaps with our angels!

Workshops on: Ascension, The fifth dimension, Managing current energies

And Daily Ascension Updates with the Angels.


Sending you love, a virtual hug and angel blessings!


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