Take a moment, close your eyes, breathe, and ask,

“What is most optimal for me to embrace this month?”

When you open your eyes, see which three (3) cards call to you. 

For the reveals and messages, scroll down.  Xoxo





Here is the reveal and meanings!

Card 1 ~ Spiritual Growth

Take heart, this is a time of great spiritual growth. Powerful changes are taking place within you. It is important that you nurture yourself. Spend time in nature. Gaze at the stars at night. Walk along a sandy beach.

You will emerge from this period with renewed understanding. Pools of knowledge swell from within.

Note from Robyn: This is your time! December is going to be a powerful month.

Card 2 ~ Meditation

Your soul is yearning to communicate. Sit quietly and listen. Allow the light of your soul to swell in your heart.

Pay attention to the guidance that comes through. Whether you are struggling to find a solution, or gain direction, stop and take refuge. Give your mind a chance to be still.

Meditate upon a loving thought, for it is through love that all becomes clear. 

Note from Robyn: Place a hand upon your heart, close your eyes and breathe. Imagine a beautiful soft pink light/energy flowing into your heart. Breathe. Feel the pure unconditional love. Breathe.

Card 3 ~ Embrace

A new and exciting opportunity is about to come your way. Embrace it!

You are being asked to embrace the different aspects of your personality. Make a list of everything about you – the many facets and qualities that make you the unique person you are. Make no distinction between what you consider desirable or undesirable qualities.

Then, embrace all of these with love. Embrace all of who you are. The Universe, and all of creation, will then be able to fully embrace you.

Note from Robyn: Love yourself fully and completely and watch as all areas of your life to improve! Xoxo

Card 4 ~ Love

Whether in relation to your partner, children, family, work or study, let love guide you. Allow it to fill you with its awesome power. Love mends and heals. It has the capacity to open all hearts and doors. The only thing that prevents it is fear. Regardless of the issue, the next time you find yourself about to react or apply to something or someone through fear, stop and respond with love. Try it, you’ll be amazed at how love transforms all.

Note from Robyn: Love is clearly the theme for December! Choose love for yourself and notice how it shifts and uplifts your vibration.

Card 5 ~ Heaven on Earth

Heaven is a state of mind. Both Heaven and Hell are created through our thoughts, actions and intentions. This card is pointing to the fact that you have helped create a disturbing situation in your life simply by giving power to it. Regardless of who or what is bothering you, know you can change this situation by ceasing to give power to that negative person or situation. Focus instead on the positive power of love. Send light to all concerned and feel yourself energetically detach from them. Start to create Heaven on Earth by making love your focus. In doing so, you will attract loving people and situations into your life.

Note from Robyn: Detach from the situation, put a hand on your heart, and say I Love You to yourself. each time you think of the situation or person, again, put a hand on your heart, say I Love You to yourself, and breathe.

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