Take a moment, close your eyes, breathe, and ask,

“What is most optimal for me to know this month?”

When you open your eyes, see which two (2) cards call to you. 

For the reveals and messages, scroll down.  Xoxo





Here is the reveal and meanings!

Card 1 ~ Golden Path

Continue your current course even though you may be experiencing unforeseen difficulties or obstacles. This card is to encourage you. Have faith in your convictions and know they will lead to a golden path.

Note from Robyn: The energies are shifting rapidly. Stay strong, centered, and balanced. Take time to go within and also get out into nature. This will provide peace, calm and rejuvenation.

Card 2 ~ Message from Heaven 

Dearest one, have the courage to just be. Strive to know yourself. Acknowledge all you feel. Allow yourself to be the full expression of who you truly are. Let others not dictate what they think you should be. Above all, live and speak your truth. You have much to give the world by just being you. 

Note from Robyn: It is time to truly be yourself and shine! 🙂

Card 3 ~ Embrace

A new and exciting opportunity is about to come your way. Embrace it!

You are being asked to embrace the different aspects of your personality. Make a list of everything about you – the many facets and qualities that make you the unique person you are. Make no distinction between what you consider desirable or undesirable qualities.

Then, embrace all of these with love. Embrace all of who you are. The Universe, and all of creation, will then be able to fully embrace you.

Note from Robyn: Love yourself fully and completely and watch as all areas of your life continue to improve! Xoxo

Card 4 ~ Divine Guidance

Whether There is no greater guidance than listening to your heart. Follow your heart. Have courage and know your heart will guide you safely. Listen, feel the trees, sway the wind. A sound is heard,. A flower grows. Listen your heart yearns to follow rainbows. Love will show you the way.

Note from Robyn: Love over fear. Nature. Breath. Meditation. Journaling. Connect with your heart.

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