Take a moment, close your eyes, breathe, and ask,

“What do the angels want to bless me with this month?”

When you open your eyes, see which two cards call to you. 

For the reveals and messages, scroll down.  Xoxo





The reveal and meanings!

Card 1The Blessings of Oneness

Bring your awareness within and connect with the eternal you. Love, abundance and blessings flow to you. Feel a deep sense of peace. Feel the oneness, the clarity, the perfection, and the love that you truly are.

Channelling from Robyn and the Angels: You are perfect beyond measure.

Card 2
 ~ A Blessing from the Light

You are dearly loved; more than you can possible imagine and you are never alone. A universe of love and light surrounds you and showers you with blessings that ebb and flow in your heart.

Channelling from Robyn and the Angels: Put your hands on your heart and feel the love of the angels and Universe.

Card 3 ~ A Blessed Time

The path is clear and all obstacles have vanished. Your time of waiting is over, so proceed with confidence. The challenges you have faced were essential, for there is a perfect time for everything. Now is your perfect time to be blessed by the Universe.

Channelling from Robyn and the Angels: Proceed with joy and jubilation!


Card 4 ~ Blessings from your Soul

You are a radiant being with many unique talents; look with eyes of love and you will see this. Feel the creative power within you and the blessings pouring in as the healing light of your soul flows into every part of you.

Channelling from Robyn and the Angels: Love yourself fully, completely, totally, as the angels do. 

Card 5 ~ AUM Shanti Peace Blessing

Blessed are you with everlasting peace beyond words or understanding. Blessed are you with tranquility and bliss. Blessed are you with the clarity that reveals the beauty of your soul, and through which all appears as infinite. 

Channelling from Robyn and the Angels: Breathe in peace, breathe out peace. Repeat! 🙂

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