Take a moment, close your eyes, breathe, and ask,

“What is most optimal for me to be aware of now?

When you open your eyes, see which three cards call to you. 

For the reveals and messages, scroll down.  Xoxo





Here is the reveal and meanings!

Card 1 ~ Listening

A message is trying to get through to you from your higher self, an angel, or an ascended master. Alternatively, it may be from someone dear to you who has recently passed away. This message will clarify something that has troubled you for some time. Rest, relax, and listen to the whispers in your heart.

Allow the message to seep through. Let go and the message will come to you when you least expect it.

Note from Robyn and the Angels: Relax and allow yourself to receive the messages that want to come to you.

Card 2 ~ Abundance

Abundance is coming your way. When you have an abundant heart it is only natural that abundance on all levels follows.

Feel abundant. Share your love and gifts with those around you. In doing so you will create a steady flow of abundance.

Remember, abundance is a state of mind. Believe you live in an abundant world and there will be enough for all to share. The only limitation to abundance in our world is our own beliefs.

Note from Robyn and the Angels: Give abundantly. Step into your purpose with love and trust. Abundance will follow.

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Card 3 ~ Universal Heart

Stare into the face on this card. What is it reflecting back to you? Meditate upon this image. After a while you will see that the human face disappears to reveal stars and galaxies.




A space of infinite creation lies beyond your thoughts. Allow the universal heart to reflect the infinite creation that is within you.

Note from Robyn and the Angels: You are made of stars and light! Close your eyes, put a hand on your heart, and feel your connection with the Universe and all that is.


Card 4 ~ Eternal Flame

You are so much more than you can possibly know. An eternal flame glows inside you at all times. All is constantly embraced by eternal truth. You are being encouraged to hold on to your truth and not be swayed by others. The Universe is testing your faith in yourself. Will you hold your ground? Or will you give in? Remember, the right path for another is not necessarily the right path for you. Stand firm in your truth and feel yourself both empowered and liberated.

Note from Robyn and the Angels: Stay true to yourself. This is of the utmost importance now and in the months ahead! 

Card 5 – Forgiveness

Kuan Yin, the Goddess of Compassion and Mercy walks with a fiery dragon at her feet. Yet she holds no fear. Kuan Yin’s energy constantly radiates love, compassion and mercy to all living things. These energies have tamed the dragon that now follows her with devotion. Kuan Yin has shown up in your reading today to offer you her assistance.

A situation in your life is in need of healing. The way to resolve this issue is through forgiveness. Show compassion and mercy towards all involved.

Know that in forgiving you are not necessarily condoning another’s actions. Forgiveness simply means that you are prepared to release yourself from ongoing negative attachment. Kuan Yin bestows her blessings.

Note from Robyn: It is time to love yourself fully and completely; forgive yourself, and then forgive the world. Xoxo 

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