Take a moment, close your eyes, breathe, and ask,

“What message is most optimal for me now?”

When you open your eyes, see which card calls to you. 

For the reveals and messages, scroll down.  Xoxo





 Less higher-

The reveal and meanings!

Card 1 ~ The Gateway

A chapter in your life is coming to a close. Surrender it graciously, and with love. Trust. All is held eternally within our hearts. As the natural cycles of life take their course remember that spring alway follows winter.

Time is a gateway. Allow its precious beauty to pour into your heart. If there is sadness at this time, remember, as a new chapter unfolds, love guides all things.

Channelling from Robyn and the Angels: Blessings come with endings and lead to wonderful new beginnings!

Click Here for the April 2022 Energy Update & Angel Messages 

Card 2 ~ Creativity

Creative energy is stirring within you.  Your soul desires to express itself. It asks that you tap into your feelings and begin to express them. Explore your true nature through creative pursuit. Painting, drawing, writing, gardening, music or craft. Creativity can be expressed in so many ways. You, along with every other living thing up on this planet, are filled with creative energy. Creativity is not a gift that has bestowed only upon some. Everyone is creative. Try it, and discover is healing in magical power.

Channelling from Robyn and the Angels: Less time on technology/social media and more time with yourself, your angels and your creativity. Less time in your head and more time connecting with your heart and soul.

Click Here for the April 2022 Energy Update & Angel Messages 

Card 3 ~ The Goddess

This card relates to issues of Creativity, Intuition, Reflection and Nurturing.

Look at the image and know what feelings emerge. The lady in the picture has the moon reflecting behind her. The moon, being feminine in nature, constantly reflects light. She is here to remind you of your own intuitive, creative and nurturing powers.

Reflect upon the past few months. Have you lost touch with your intuitive, creative and nurturing powers? Perhaps you are not fully utilizing these energies.

There is much to be gained by reconnecting with these qualities. Tap into them by connecting with the goddess that holds the essence of creation. Whether male or female, The Goddess is a reflection of the beauty and power you hold inside of you.

Channelling from Robyn and the Angels: Use affirmations for self-love and acceptance; connect with your higher-self and your angels; dance, sing, paint, write, walk or sit in nature; laugh more and smile daily.

Click Here for the April 2022 Energy Update & Angel Messages 


 Card 4 ~ Sacred Union

A current friendship is about to blossom into a sacred union. This is a union of souls and twine in love. It either relates to merging with another or with a group. It may also reflect the sacred union that exists or is about to be formed between you and a bird or animal.

This card also reminds us of the sacred union with share with nature.

Channelling from Robyn and the Angels: We are never alone, even though we may sometimes feels that way. We have the angels, nature, animals, and people we have soul connections with also come into our lives at unexpected moments. Embrace all of your sacred connections.

Click Here for the April 2022 Energy Update & Angel Messages 

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