Angelic Conversations

Angelic Conversations

How are you? How are you holding up with everything that is going on?I’ve been having a lot more conversations with my angels lately. And they have been very comforting and reassuring.This is what they want me to share with you today:All of this is leading us to a...
Your October 2019 Angel Cards

Your October 2019 Angel Cards

WHICH THREE CARDS CALL TO YOU? All cards have the energy of October, three speak more to your personal journey though. Close your eyes, take a breath, and relax.  When you open your eyes, without thinking about it, see which three (3) cards call to you. Scroll down...
Happy Solstice!

Happy Solstice!

Happy Solstice! The energies are very powerful and expansive for the next few days, with the Solstice today June 21 at 11:54am ET. It’s time for reflection, joy and celebration! For those in the Northern Hemisphere, summer begins today and the message from our...
Your August 2018 Angel Cards

Your August 2018 Angel Cards

WHICH THREE CARDS CALL TO YOU? Close your eyes, take a breath, and tune in. Then open your eyes, and without thinking about it, see which three (3) cards call to you. Scroll down for the reveal and meanings…              ...

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